Trang thông tin điện tử

Xã Ba Ngạc

Đảng ủy, HĐND, UBND,UBMTTQ Việt Nam phường đi thăm các trường học trên địa bàn phường nhân Ngày Nhà giáo Việt Nam 20/11
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Over 1,000 applications for unemployment benefits

According to Director of the provincial Job Service Center, the Center has received over 1,000 applications for unemployment benefits. The number of jobless has tripled compared to the same period in 2019.

The number of people applying for unemployment benefits may continue to increase sharply because of Covid-19 that impactes on the activities in the trade in services.

According to the Employment Law, when unemployed workers submit complete dossiers, they will be subsidized.

If they participate in social insurance for 12 - 36 months, they will be supported for 3 months.

Each additional year will be increased by 1 month, with an average of 60% of the minimum wage month. This is a very positive support for workers to cover during unemployment.

In our province, the job introduction for workers is annually conducted through the job exchanges which is held monthly and alternately in all localities in the province.

However, due to the development of the Covid-19 epidemic, from the beginning of the year until now, the provincial Employment Service Center has suspended the organization of periodic job exchanges, instead of deploying labor recruitment solutions online.

The Employment Service Center collects specific recruitment needs of businesses, regularly updated on the Center's website. They give advice to employees about the jobs associated with their qualifications and aspirations online via the website or via Facebook. Then, the center will connect between businesses and workers through online interviews, via email or in person.

Currently, besides recruiting online, the provincial Employment Service Center also distributes more than 3,000 newsletters of Quang Ngai labor market with full recruitment information, needs of businesses and phone numbers to people who can get information.

In this period, online activity has brought very good signals, being businesses and workers. Since the beginning of the year, more than 5,000 employees have been offered jobs through the Center's introduction forms.